Predictive Equations of Basal Metabolic Rate


Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimal energy in awake. The basal metabolism reference value and the predictive equations of National Institute of Health and Nutrition are reliable in Japanese and the predictive equations of Schofield and FAO/WHO/UNU are internationally common, respectively.

Curiously, the result was too small when I assigned weight and height into predictive equation of FAO/WHO/UNU in the age group of 18-29 year-old female. Although I have obtained the original article and reviewed the contents, I could not find the predictive equations. They seem to calculate BMR from Schofield’s predictive equations.

Predictive equations for BMR (upper: male, lower: female)
Name Age Equation
National Institute of Health and Nutrition (0.0481 \times W + 0.0234 \times H - 0.0138 \times A - 0.4235) \times 1000/4.186
(0.0481 \times W + 0.0234 \times H - 0.0138 \times A - 0.9708) \times 1000/4.186
Harris-Benedict 66.4730 + 13.7516 \times W + 5.0033 \times H - 6.7550 \times A
655.0955 + 9.5634 \times W + 1.8496 \times H - 4.6756 \times A
Schofield (0.249 \times W - 0.127) \times 1000/4.186
(0.244 \times W - 0.130) \times 1000/4.186
3-10 (0.095 \times W + 2.110) \times 1000/4.186
(0.085 \times W + 2.033) \times 1000/4.186
10-18 (0.074 \times W + 2.754) \times 1000/4.186
(0.056 \times W + 2.898) \times 1000/4.186
18-29 (0.063 \times W + 2.896) \times 1000/4.186
(0.062 \times W + 2.036) \times 1000/4.186
30-59 (0.048 \times W + 3.653) \times 1000/4.186
(0.034 \times W + 3.538) \times 1000/4.186
60- (0.049 \times W + 2.459) \times 1000/4.186
(0.038 \times W + 2.755) \times 1000/4.186
FAO/WHO/UNU 18-29 (64.4 \times W - 113.0 \times H/100 + 3000)/4.186
(55.6 \times W - 1397.4 \times H/100 + 148)/4.186
30-59 (47.2 \times W + 66.9 \times H/100 + 3769)/4.186
(36.4 \times W + 104.6 \times H/100 + 3619)/4.186
60- (36.8 \times W + 4719.5 \times H/100 - 4481)/4.186
(38.5 \times W + 2665.2 \times H/100 - 1264)/4.186
W\mathrm{:\ weight\ (kg)},\ H\mathrm{:\ height\ (cm)},\ A\mathrm{:\ age\ (years)}

Reference: br>
The Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese 2015 edition Energy (pdf) br>
The Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese 2010 edition Energy (pdf)


投稿者: admin

趣味:写真撮影とデータベース. カメラ:TOYO FIELD, Hasselblad 500C/M, Leica M6. SQL Server 2008 R2, MySQL, Microsoft Access.


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