Predictive Equations of Basal Metabolic Rate

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimal energy in awake. The basal metabolism reference value and the predictive equations of National Institute of Health and Nutrition are reliable in Japanese and the predictive equations of Schofield and FAO/WHO/UNU are internationally common, respectively.

Curiously, the result was too small when I assigned weight and height into predictive equation of FAO/WHO/UNU in the age group of 18-29 year-old female. Although I have obtained the original article and reviewed the contents, I could not find the predictive equations. They seem to calculate BMR from Schofield’s predictive equations.

Predictive equations for BMR (upper: male, lower: female)
Name Age Equation
National Institute of Health and Nutrition (0.0481 \times W + 0.0234 \times H - 0.0138 \times A - 0.4235) \times 1000/4.186
(0.0481 \times W + 0.0234 \times H - 0.0138 \times A - 0.9708) \times 1000/4.186
Harris-Benedict 66.4730 + 13.7516 \times W + 5.0033 \times H - 6.7550 \times A
655.0955 + 9.5634 \times W + 1.8496 \times H - 4.6756 \times A
Schofield <3 (0.249 \times W - 0.127) \times 1000/4.186
(0.244 \times W - 0.130) \times 1000/4.186
3-10 (0.095 \times W + 2.110) \times 1000/4.186
(0.085 \times W + 2.033) \times 1000/4.186
10-18 (0.074 \times W + 2.754) \times 1000/4.186
(0.056 \times W + 2.898) \times 1000/4.186
18-29 (0.063 \times W + 2.896) \times 1000/4.186
(0.062 \times W + 2.036) \times 1000/4.186
30-59 (0.048 \times W + 3.653) \times 1000/4.186
(0.034 \times W + 3.538) \times 1000/4.186
60- (0.049 \times W + 2.459) \times 1000/4.186
(0.038 \times W + 2.755) \times 1000/4.186
FAO/WHO/UNU 18-29 (64.4 \times W - 113.0 \times H/100 + 3000)/4.186
(55.6 \times W - 1397.4 \times H/100 + 148)/4.186
30-59 (47.2 \times W + 66.9 \times H/100 + 3769)/4.186
(36.4 \times W + 104.6 \times H/100 + 3619)/4.186
60- (36.8 \times W + 4719.5 \times H/100 - 4481)/4.186
(38.5 \times W + 2665.2 \times H/100 - 1264)/4.186
W\mathrm{:\ weight\ (kg)},\ H\mathrm{:\ height\ (cm)},\ A\mathrm{:\ age\ (years)}

The Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese 2015 edition Energy (pdf)
The Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese 2010 edition Energy (pdf)


 基礎代謝量とは覚醒状態で必要な最小限のエネルギーです.日本人においては基礎代謝基準値と国立健康・栄養研究所の式は妥当性が高いとされていますが,国際的には Schofield や FAO/WHO/UNU の推定式が一般的です.

 FAO/WHO/UNU の推定式で年齢階級 18-29 歳の女性の推定式ですが,実際に値を当てはめて計算してみると奇妙なことにあり得ないほど小さな値が出ます.原著にあたってみましたが推定式そのものは見当たらず,Schofield の推定式をもとに基礎代謝量を計算しているようです.

基礎代謝量の推定式(上段:男性 下段:女性)
名称 年齢 推定式
国立健康・栄養研究所 (0.0481 \times W + 0.0234 \times H - 0.0138 \times A - 0.4235) \times 1000/4.186
(0.0481 \times W + 0.0234 \times H - 0.0138 \times A - 0.9708) \times 1000/4.186
Harris-Benedict 66.4730 + 13.7516 \times W + 5.0033 \times H - 6.7550 \times A
655.0955 + 9.5634 \times W + 1.8496 \times H - 4.6756 \times A
Schofield <3 (0.249 \times W - 0.127) \times 1000/4.186
(0.244 \times W - 0.130) \times 1000/4.186
3-10 (0.095 \times W + 2.110) \times 1000/4.186
(0.085 \times W + 2.033) \times 1000/4.186
10-18 (0.074 \times W + 2.754) \times 1000/4.186
(0.056 \times W + 2.898) \times 1000/4.186
18-29 (0.063 \times W + 2.896) \times 1000/4.186
(0.062 \times W + 2.036) \times 1000/4.186
30-59 (0.048 \times W + 3.653) \times 1000/4.186
(0.034 \times W + 3.538) \times 1000/4.186
60- (0.049 \times W + 2.459) \times 1000/4.186
(0.038 \times W + 2.755) \times 1000/4.186
FAO/WHO/UNU 18-29 (64.4 \times W - 113.0 \times H/100 + 3000)/4.186
(55.6 \times W - 1397.4 \times H/100 + 148)/4.186
30-59 (47.2 \times W + 66.9 \times H/100 + 3769)/4.186
(36.4 \times W + 104.6 \times H/100 + 3619)/4.186
60- (36.8 \times W + 4719.5 \times H/100 - 4481)/4.186
(38.5 \times W + 2665.2 \times H/100 - 1264)/4.186
W\mathrm{:\ weight\ (kg)},\ H\mathrm{:\ height\ (cm)},\ A\mathrm{:\ age\ (years)}

日本人の食事摂取基準(2015 年版)エネルギー (pdf)
日本人の食事摂取基準(2010 年版)エネルギー (pdf)